12th July 2023 – Cheriton goes to Westminster

National Park Protector Awards 2023.

On Wednesday 12th July Chris and Barry went to the House of Commons in London. The Cheriton Conservation Volunteer Group were in the final for the Protector Award but, unfortunately we did not win it, but we were very close.

This is a yearly celebration for groups who have gone above and beyond their normal responsibilities in the National Parks in England and Wales. The event was hosted in Parliament by Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, from the House of Lords. In her speech she said everyone who was nominated, deserved to be celebrated for showing dedication and inspiring action for people and nature.

It was noteworthy that the CCVG was the only group not directly sponsored by a National Park , so therefore it shows how highly our group is thought of for the tasks we carry out in the river and in the village of Cheriton. So it is a big pat on the back and very well done to all volunteers.

Here are some of the official photographs:

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